Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Pot of Pink Mums

I started making Mums last November but I gave them all away. So I figured I would make some more to brighten my home. I even thought about giving them to my mom for Mother's Day but I wasn't sure if it could get it to her in one piece. 
 It is composed of 5 different flowers. There are far more of the largest flowers which measures 1 3/4". I used two different tones of pink with yellow. I fringed the strips and glued them together before quilling them. The other 4 types of flowers a variations of the main flower all measuring about 1".  I made a template for the leaves and cut and shaped each one.
 I felt it needed a little something more so I added a little lady bug. It is 1/4" wide x 1/2" tall.
The whole thing is about 6 1/2" tall x 7" wide.

1 comment:

  1. This is what I want, only I want to make it with you!!!!
